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kita tak akan pernah jauh dari Tuhan
God love us
sang pendeta hanya memberkati sang anak lewat ayat ayat dari al-kitab tapi sang anak malah memluk sang orang miskin jadi, manakah yang lebih baik ?
Tuhan takkan meninggalkan kita
Leave and move on
Matius 11:28
Apa yang telah kita lakukan untuk Tuhan ?
Dalam Tuhan, kita bersaudara
Trust the Lord Wholeheartedly
It describes me much :D
Don't cut the string
We're His priority
God carry us through difficult times
God still waiting for us
3 Syarat mengikut dia
=>Menyangkal diri
=>Mau mengikut dia
=>Pikul Salib
Be Loyal, Be obedient
Walk with The Lord
Heavenly Hopes
Sufferin glory for Victory
"It's possible to die for a big compensation. But, He died expecting nothing in return, because He loves us so much
God Speak
Its funny to believe what newspapers said and keep doubting the Bible
God loves us,,but we're being distracted by useless things
We're the candle of God
Merry Christmas
Sound me your voice, God
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